Administrative (Exercise Science Student)

Jacob Evans

Picton Clinic

Where did you study?

Currently studying at Western Sydney Uni

What are your areas of interest?

Sports Injuries, Knee Injuries, High Performance

What's your why?

After growing up around sports, having played footy (AFL, NRL & soccer) as kid, then settling on cricket as my sole sport, I found an interest in the injuries associated with sport and the treatment process having experienced many myself. This caused me to pursue a degree of sport and exercise science hoping to eventuate into a physio. As I’m still studying I got offered a job in admin at MT with the plan to finish my degree and transition into a treating role with the amazing team

What's your guilty pleasure when you have free time?

I enjoy playing my Xbox whenever I get down time between study and work

The greatest movie of the last 50 years is?

Interstellar takes the cake by an incredible margin

What does the world need more of to be a better place?

People just need more understanding of peoples situations that influence their feelings and decisions

Favourite type of music?

Country music

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

A solid cheese burger by far

If you were marooned on a tropical island, which two staff members would you want with you and why?

BJ for his wise words and Benny so we can jam to country music all day

Together, Let's Create a Healthier Tomorrow

Are you ready to embark on your movement journey with us in Picton or Wollongong? Schedule a complimentary phone consultation with one of our practitioners today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you!